Apr 30, 2020
Jason Bohrer is President of the Lignite Energy Council, an industry group representing coal interests in North Dakota.
His group made a move about, you guessed it, coal.
"You get 50 miles outside those coal mines, people don't know much about them," he said, referring to the coal operations in central North Dakota....
Apr 27, 2020
Rep. Luke Simons is a Republican lawmaker from Dickinson, North Dakota.
On Friday, May 1, he plans to re-open his barbershop and he doesn't care what coronavirus-inspired executive orders Governor Doug Burgum may or may not have in place when that day comes.
"I don't care if he's the governor. I don't care if he's...
Apr 22, 2020
"We are working on the how. We are not working on the when."
That's what North Dakota Commerce Commissioner Michelle Kommer said on this episode of Plain Talk. She was speaking about her department's efforts to come up with a plan for re-opening North Dakota's economy.
Parts of it, anyway, Slowly.
Kommer praised...