Apr 26, 2023
A debate over a bill to implement what supporters call "presumptive minimum" sentences for certain crimes like fleeing or assaulting an officer, or possessing a gun during a grime, has grown surprisingly contentious in the legislature.
There has been some bizarre procedural moves around the bill, including the chairman...
Apr 19, 2023
Did you know there's such a thing as a fake legislative day?
Ok, maybe that's not the official term, but that colloquialism has grown up around a practice at the Legislature in Bismarck which sees lawmakers protracting their session despite the 80-day limit that's in Article IV of the state constitution.
You see, if the...
Apr 12, 2023
Russia's bloody invasion of Ukraine has displaced millions of Ukranians, most of whom need a place to go.
Meanwhile, North Dakota has a long-enduring workforce shortage that is felt most acutely in the state's oil fields.
Now, those two problems are coming together to form what is, if not a solution, is at least a way...
Apr 6, 2023
"When I'm in committee, when I'm speaking, nobody ever asks me any questions."
That's what Kristie Miller had to say on this episode of Plain Talk. She's the mother of a trans person and has become active in North Dakota politics opposing a legislative agenda in Bismarck she characterizes as an attack on the trans...